We Bought A Zoo!

Hey Readers! Sorry to get your hopes up with the title. Unfortunately, I don’t make nearly enough money as a massage therapist to purchase a zoo. However, if I ever do have that much money, my first purchase will definitely be a zoo for all the little children of the world to frolic around.

This post is really about my recent trip to the Lincoln Park Zoo!

One of the many entrances into the zoo off of Stockton Drive which runs parallel to the Beautiful Lake Shore Drive!
One of the many entrances into the zoo off of Stockton Drive which runs parallel to the Beautiful Lake Shore Drive!

My friend Annette, who you will see in my follow up blog post, joined me in this adventure! We know each other from college, and I am lucky enough to be able to hang out with her while she is back home in Chicago for her Summer vacation. Which means… that I have a personal tour guide of Chicago! Muahahaha.

For those of you who have yet to visit this zoo and plan on it — Don’t worry, I am not going to ruin the experience of the zoo for you. I will not be posting any of the 80 pictures of animals and scenery that we took during our three hour expedition into the Chicago wilderness.

Except For This ONE!!:

Only because I love Hippos!
Only because I love Hippos. We are alike in too many ways.

The zoo is completely FREE to the public, but offers donation stands all around in case you wish to offer some money. As the name implies, it is located in the most beautiful (my opinion only) of the Chicago neighborhoods, Lincoln Park. I would love to go into a full discussion on why I love Lincoln Park so much as compared to the main downtown area, however I will save that for its own post one day so as not to bore you all now.

Isn’t it Beautiful here. The Conservatory is the building shown, which we also visited. I highly recommend
The view of Downtown from the zoo isn't too shabby though. That's Annette pictured.
The view of Downtown from the zoo isn’t too shabby though. That’s Annette pictured. She came with full camera gear, while I used my dinky iPhone to take photos.

As soon as you enter the zoo, there are multitude of paths to choose from to start exploring. Obviously, so we would not get lost, we took pictures with the map of the zoo.:

We are so resourceful, AND well prepared I might add.

Warning: If you have a terrific fear of spiders or cockroaches, I do not recommend you visit those two exhibits. Trust me.

There are also tons of places to eat situated all over, although the food can be a bit pricey. However, that is expected from an amazing, free zoo. The zoo kind of sits wide open to the rest of the neighborhood, and runners jog right through the area. It is a very welcoming area. There is also a boardwalk that leads you to Lake Shore Drive, which holds the beaches.

Next time I go to the zoo, which will most likely be very soon, I want to order food from this guy:

How cool is this food truck?